Jaana Davidjants from the School of Humanities will defend the doctoral thesis
04/08/2024 - 10:00 - 13:00
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iCal calendarOn April 8, 2024 at 10.00 Jaana Davidjants from the School of Humanities will defend the doctoral thesis "Participatory Social Media-Based Multimodal Storytelling of War and Conflict".
Public defence will take place in Tallinn University hall M648.
The wider audience can follow the defence and ask questions from the degree applicant in Zoom.
Supervisors are Professor Daniele Monticelli from Tallinn University and Professor Katrin Tiidenberg fromTallinn University.
Opponents are Reader Maria Kyriakidou from Cardiff University and Senior Researcher and Teaching Associate Daniela Jaramillo-Dent from the University of Zurich.
The doctoral thesis is available in Tallinn University Digital Library ETERA.