
Networking Dinner with Prof Payne and Prof Ewijk

02/20/2020 - 19:00 - 21:00

Registration: Networking Dinner with Prof Payne and Prof Ewijk

Registration: Networking dinner with Prof Payne and Prof Ewijk


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The networking dinner for PhD students and supervisors will be held in cooperation with Hans Van Ewijk (Em. Professor, University for Humanistic Studies, Utrecht, Netherlands) and  Malcolm Payne (Em. Professor, Manchester Metropolitan University, Sutton, UK)


19.00 Registration & welcome 

19:15-21.00 Joint discussion about the R&D cooperation opportunities, the development of PhD studies and supervision in Social Work. 

Additional information: content-related questions Prof. Merike Sisask,
organizational questions Koidu Saia,


Activity is financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the institutional package measure for R&D institutions and higher education institutions (ASTRA project TLU TEE of Tallinn University) and is organised by Doctoral School of Behavioural, Social and Health Sciences