
12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History


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It is fair to say that globalisation has forced and inspired historians to search for spatial alternatives in making sense of the past, to pay more attention to supranational and transregional connections and networks. These searches have given rise to a number of approaches that, under various names such as transnational history, connected history, entangled history or global history, share the same desire to move beyond conventional geopolitical articulations and discrete civilisations, to take structured integration of the world as its primary context, to turn the concept of space again into a significant theoretical category in historical research.

The 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History invites cultural historians all over the world to think about the interconnected world as the point of departure for cultural-historical research, and to discuss the circulations and interactions of things, peoples, ideas, and institutions across cultural and geographical zones. We invite to consider global history as a new form of cultural-historical analysis in which systems of representation and meaning making practices are placed in global contexts. We invite to focus on mobility and exchange, on hybridity and entanglement, on various cultural-historical processes that transcend borders and boundaries.

The keynote speakers include: Peter Burke (University of Cambridge), Anne Gerritsen (University of Warwick), Maria Lúcia Garcia Pallares-Burke (University of São Paulo / University of Cambridge), Matthias Middell (University of Leipzig), and Sujit Sivasundaram (University of Cambridge).

All information available on the website of the conference.