The Basis of Web-Based Contact Learning (Part 7): A earner with Special Educational Needs

The basis of web-based contact learning is a practical helper in conducting e-learning. For the next ten weeks, we will publish one guide each week to help you organize webinars and e-learning efficiently and thoughtfully. The material is prepared by the lecturers of the Lifelong and Non-formal Learning Department of the Institute of Educational Sciences of Tallinn University in cooperation with the team of the research laboratory for learning and teaching supported by EDUSPACE technology.

child studying
Supporting learners with special educational needs in their studies
  • Learners with special educational needs need rules and agreements. Explain the agreements at the beginning of the meeting and, if necessary, continue to remind them.
  • Certain special educational needs present different difficulties: some learners can not see the picture on the screen, some have difficulty listening to the sound of a computer, and some may not be suitable for grouping with unexpected peers.
  • Learning involves differences in abilities and skills, as well as the learner's prior knowledge. If possible, assign different tasks so that each learner has an experience of success.
Psychological support for students with special educational needs
  • Keep asking the learner how he or she is doing. If necessary, do it individually outside the web environment. Notice the differences in maintaining a relationship online compared to the classroom. Call, write a personal e-mail, offer the opportunity to call at a specific time.
  • Find a solution to the problems that hinder learning together with the learner. Prefer an individual approach - do it individually, not in front of a group.
  • If you feel the need as a teacher, consult with other professionals, such as a psychologist, career counselor, study counselor. Also, ask the learner for their consent to involve other professionals
Cooperation with the parties
  • To support a learner with special needs, work together: communicate with the learner himself, colleagues, specialists, parents. Think about who to work with, a too-large circle of people may not be good, because every collaboration takes time.
  • Web-based learning may not be suitable for all learners, in cooperation with various parties, it is possible to find the most suitable alternative solution for the learner, if necessary.
  • Make creative use of the diverse opportunities of digital environments to support learners with special needs. Work together to decide which digital environment is best for you. Move in small steps, every new thing needs to get used and practiced.