International Winter School: true academic and cultural experience
International Tallinn Winter School was held at Tallinn University from 8 to 26 January 2024. This winter, we had ten courses, among which we also offered new ones – AI for Writing, Research, Analytics, and Prototyping; Non-Dictionary Russian – Obscene Language; and Russian via Movies. The most popular courses were Estonian and Russian language courses.

Tallinn Winter School brought together 75 participants from 30 countries. Most participants came from Germany, the Czech Republic, Australia, China, and France. Based on feedback, participants are happy with the courses they attended, and 94% of participants would recommend Tallinn Winter School to colleagues and friends. A good balance between the value and price of the courses, a detailed description of the programs, the reputation of Estonian technology and IT solutions, and the reputation of Tallinn University were noted as the advantages of the Winter School courses.
Tallinn Winter and Summer Schools are not only about studying but also exploring Estonia and its culture, socializing, and making new friends. During the cultural program, we visited local museums, painted marzipan figures, played board games, introduced cultures to each other during the International Evening, and had a hike at the Estonian bog wearing snowshoes.
We thank our participants, team members, and lecturers for a great Winter School experience and invite you to participate in Tallinn Summer School, which will take place in July-August 2024.
Anna Kuznetsova
Summer and Winter School Project Manager