
Sergei Dotsenko's academic career began in 1984, when he entered graduate school in Russian literature at the University of Tartu. He has been working at Tallinn University since 1988. Sergey Dotsenko defended his doctoral dissertation at Tallinn Pedagogical University in 2000 (dissertation topic: "Problems of A. Remizov's poetics: autobiography as a constructive principle of creativity"). Main scientific interests: Russian literature and folklore, Russian versification, history and poetics of Russian symbolism (A. Remizov, A. Blok, V. Ivanov, etc.), Poetics of Russian modernism (O. Mandelstam, M. Tsvetaeva, B. Pasternak, M. Bulgakov, etc.) He is the author of 136 scientific articles, 80 of which have been published in high-level international journals and collections.

Areas of research

ETIS CLASSIFICATION: 2. Culture and Society; 2.6. Philology and Linguistics; SPECIFICATION: History of Russian Symbolism; History of Russian Literature (XIX-XX); Poetics of Russian modernism.