Eneken Laanes
Professor of Comparative Literature
School of Humanities
Eneken Laanes is the Professor of Comparative Literature at Tallinn University and the Project Leader of ERC project Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena. Her research deals with transnational memory and transcultural memorial forms in post-Soviet memory cultures of Eastern Europe. Laanes studied comparative literature at the University of Tartu, University of Bologna, the Free University of Berlin. She has been a Juris Padegs Research Fellow at Yale University and a Kone Fellow at the Helsinki Collegium. She is the author of Unresolved Dialogues: Subjectivity and Memory in Post-Soviet Estonian Novel (in Estonian, Tallinn: UTKK, 2009); editor of the special issues Entangled Cultures in the Baltic Region (Journal of Baltic Studies, 2020) and Cultural Memorial Forms (Memory Studies, 2021); co-editor of Novels, Histories, Novel Nations: Historical Fiction and Cultural Memory in Finland and Estonia (Helsinki: SKS, 2015).
Main tasks
Project Leader, ERC Project Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena
Areas of research
Cultural memory, trauma theory, historical novel, critical theory and cultural analysis, contemporary literature; theories of subjectivity, autobiography and self-writing; world literature, transnational literature and multilingualism.