Rahvusvahelised suhted

International Relations Around the World / Rahvusvahelised suhted maailmas

School of Governance Law and Society

Open Academy

The course is for high school students and vocational school students, young people taking a gap year, in English; English language skills at B2 level are required. Do you want to go beyond what you hear in the news? In this course, we will go deeper in understanding international politics and how we conceptualize and understand how economic, social, and historical forces shape interactions between nations. We will take an informed look at the conflicts and developments that shape our world through the theories and conceptual frameworks that allow us to analyze the modern world.

- 11:00 - 15:15

Training code AYC0382/1

Registration deadline

Credits 52 academic hours (contact study 25 hours, independent study 27 hours)

Price 45 EUR. The course is facilitated with assistance from the Ministry of Education and Science, and the fundamental expenses are covered by the ministry's support.

Document issued upon completion of training TLU certificate

Training Manager

Target group: High school students and vocational school students, young people taking a gap year.

Course schedule:

03.02.2024 11:00-15:15 Overview of the course and assignments. What is International Relations as an academic discipline? What do we study? Overview of current global order and trends, focusing on US hegemony Victor Jimenez Rivera A006
17.02.2024 11:00-15:15 Realism in International Relations, Great Power rivalry during the Cold War, unipolar vs bipolar vs multipolar world order Victor Jimenez Rivera A006
09.03.2024 11:00-15:15 Liberalism in IR, supranationalism and the formation of regional blocs. International cooperation and the trends of globalization Victor Jimenez Rivera A006
23.03.2024 11:00-15:15 World Systems Theory. Overview of the legacies of colonialism in the Global South WST and its analysis of global inequalities How core and periphery differ in the world economy Victor Jimenez Rivera A006
13.04.2024 11:00-15:15 Constructivis m, course wrap-up. Othering and orientalism: how we construct our perspectives Social constructivism and its impact on international norms Discussion of Estonia’s place in the world and how we construct narratives about our own country’s challenges Victor Jimenez Rivera A006

Course coordinator: Kaia Ljaš, kaia.ljash@tlu.ee, 6409369

Course lecturer:

Learning outcomes:

  • knows European countries and the world's biggest players, and their (sometimes contradictory) relations and interests;
  • has an understanding of the main theoretical principles in international relations;
  • is prepared for future studies in governance and political science; can participate in discussions about international politics;
  • can think critically about developments in European and broader international politics