Registration deadline

Credits 2 ak tundi

Trainers Catherine Pickering

Training Manager

Mountain biking and trail use – what research has to say?

School of Natural Sciences and Health

12:30 - 15:00

Registration deadline

Credits 2 ak tundi

Trainers Catherine Pickering

Training Manager

Avalik loeng  Mountain biking and trail use – what research has to say?

Loengus räägitakse maastikurattasõidust ja radade kasutusest  - mida teadusuuringud räägivad harrastajate (nõudluse), sotsiaalsete konfliktide (sotsiaalsete aspektide) ja keskkonnamõjude (ökoloogiliste aspektide) kohta.

Loeng toimub inglise keeles

Prof Catherine Pickering from the School of Environment and Science, Griffith University in Australia is an internationally recognized expert in recreation ecology with over 350 publications and more than 160 research papers. She has collaborated with researchers from Europe, Asia, North America, South America, and Australia to assess social and environmental aspects of nature based tourism and examine better ways to manage diverse rection activities in natural settings. She is also an expert in literature review methodology including Systematic Quantitative Literature Reviews with over 1400 papers published using the 15 step method she developed. Online resources including videos about this method are available atttps://


Tallinna Ülikool, Terra maja (Narva mnt 25, Tallinn), ruum T-304

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