Sissejuhatus arenguuuringutesse / Introduction to Development Studies
School of Governance Law and Society
Training and Conference Center
Kursus on gümnasistidele ning kutsekoolis õppijatele, inglise keeles. Have you ever wondered why some countries are rich and some are poor? Have you ever thought about what you can do to fight against poverty and inequality? Welcome to development studies. Development studies look at history, economics, gender, politics and more to understand why some countries, societies and people become powerful while others become weak. The aim of development studies is to think of creative ways to address social inequality in our world. In development studies we want to understand the policies, actions and interventions that bring about the kinds of social change that lead to higher levels of well-being amongst people.
- 12:15 - 15:30
Sihtgrupp: gümnaasiumi ja kutsekooli õpilased, õpingutes vaheaastat tegevad noored. Vajalik inglise keele oskus B2.
Oskus lugeda, kirjutada ja arutleda inglise keeles.
Kursuse ajakava ja sisu:
07.10.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Introduction. Development as a political idea. Is it needed? Neutral? | Nawal Shaharyar | A447 |
14.10.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Inequalities & Development. Are inequalities always bad? What is the difference between unequal and different? What is the source on inequality? | Nawal Shaharyar | A447 |
21.10.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Economics & Development. What is ‘economic development’. how it should be achieved and at what cost. The session will focus on some core economic ideas that have shaped the modern world since WW2 | Nawal Shaharyar | A006 |
04.11.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Power & Development. The meaning of ‘power’ is understood in many different ways, we will investigate the the role it plays in social change | Nawal Shaharyar | A447 |
11.11.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Race & Development. The development of indigenous communities, native populations and minorities – in debates on cultural diversity | Nawal Shaharyar | A447 |
18.11.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Gender & Development. The history of “gender and its link to development. We will explore some challenges to the concept of contemporary queer and feminist theory | Nawal Shaharyar | A544 |
25.11.2023 | 12:15-15:30 | Sustainability & Development. Is development aimed at human, social or environmental development? How do we balance these competeing claims in development. Moving forward: newer themes, challenges and issues in development. | Nawal Shaharyar | A447 |
Kursuse koordinaator ja juhendaja: Nawal Shaharyar,
Õpiväljundid / Learning outcomes:
- Compare and contrast a range of theories of development;
- Construct arguments to support different orientations towards development;
- Construct arguments to critique different orientations towards development;
- Integrate different meanings of development for their context;
- Formulate shared positions on key development issues.
Kursusel osalejad on arvanud selle kursuse kohta /Feedback:
- I really liked that the course made me question things I otherwise didn't question at all.
- Most of all I liked the teacher's approach in the lessons and a lot of interesting and important information.
- The course made me look at things differently. Got a little bit of insight into social sciences.
- The biggest benefit from this course was the information that was taught magazine articles and videos. We analyzed them, also analyzed the topics themselves, it was really interesting.