Lehte Roots was elected to be a member of the editorial board of the IJLS
Lehte Roots, Head of TLU Law Studies and visiting professor, was elected to be a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of Law and Society.
The journal places in ETIS category of 1.2. Members of the editorial board are expected to make recommendations for the publication of high-quality articles and have the authority to make decisions about accepting, revising, or rejecting manuscripts. It is an Open Access journal and is indexed in several databases: Academickeys, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, JournalSeek, ResearchBib, WorldCat, CNKI SCHOLAR, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, MIAR, Universal Impact Factor; Zeitschriftendatenbank, CrossRef, EZB, Polish Scholarly Bibliography, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Open Access. Articles for publication in the journal can be submitted HERE!
Professor Roots is already a Member of the Editorial Board of various journals, including Bialystok Legal Studies, Poland; Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Greece, Furthermore she is a Member of the Scientific Committee of the Studii Europene in the Center of
European Studies, ( ISSN 2345-104) and a journal Przeglad Prawa Administracyjnego, Poland (ISSN: 2545-2525), editor of the Proceedings of CBU in Social Sciences, Czech Republic.