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Saqib Naveed: To sum up Estonia in one word, I would go with "Cozy"

Estonia? Where is it? This is still a question people usually ask me, and I wonder how this gem still isn’t fully discovered.

Saqib Naveed

Estonia itself is tiny but has a lot to offer other than IT and Technology. A country, which is almost 50% covered with forest and with more than 2000 islands, but for a person like me, if I would need to sum up it in one word then "Cozy" it is. 
About four years ago, when I was a student of MA Communication Management at TLU, I started working part-time for a gaming company. From the initial days at work, I started apprehending the essence of effective communication in a multicultural work environment. A subjective approach on the daily routines, tasks and responsibilities by the workmates always aroused me with the question of survival. Sooner I started implementing the theoretical knowledge, which I learned from some of the excellent communication professionals-cum-professors of this degree, I started to blend naturally to the professional multinational environment. 

At the moment, I am working at one of Europe’s top fintech where I get along with the people from above 70 nationalities, holding different backgrounds and experience and solving the critical problems such as moving money cheaper and conveniently. This indeed is exciting yet challenging, but what makes it fun is the communication and input of people from all over the world. Discerning colleagues solving one intricacy from different perspectives indeed helps me to understand things and people better and takes me back to the blocks of Tallinn University. 
Many class activities and projects from this degree came in handy during all day long plannings, meetings and especially conflict resolution situations. The experience I got from super friendly and helpful multicultural classmates in the corridors, cafe and classes of TLU was admittedly pleasant and always proves to be effective in understanding the world around me undoubtedly!