Bachelor’s degree programmes
The access requirement to Bachelor's studies is secondary education or a corresponding qualification.
The following documents* must be uploaded to the online application system:
- General Certificate of Education (A-level and O-level)
Please note: A result of at least C in 4 subjects at O-level and a result of at least D in 2 subjects at A-level is expected in order to qualify for studies at Tallinn University.
After receiving conditional acceptance, the Confirmation of Examination Results for each level and each year must be ordered from the Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board and sent in a sealed envelope to Tallinn University’s postal address upon request of the applicant.
Francophone *
- Baccalauréat de l’Enseignement Secondaire / Baccalauréat Technique
- Relevé de Notes
* Official translations to English also need to be included if the original documents are in another language. You can read about the certification and translation of educational documents here.
Please note: At least 60% of maximum possible results is expected in Baccalauréat exams in order to qualify for studies at Tallinn University.
After receiving conditional acceptance, the Authentification / Confirmation de résultat for each level and each year must be ordered from the Office du Baccalaureat and sent in a sealed envelope to Tallinn University’s postal address upon request of the applicant.
Master’s degree programmes
The access requirement to Master’s studies is a Bachelor’s degree, a diploma of professional higher education or a corresponding qualification.
The following documents must be uploaded to the online application system:
- Attestation of result of Bachelor's degree / degree certificate
- Academic record / transcript *
Please note: At least second class upper division honours are required in order to qualify for studies at Tallinn University.
* If your studies include transferred credits from other institutions, transcripts from these must also be uploaded.
After receiving conditional acceptance, the applicant’s official academic transcript must be sent to Tallinn University’s postal address by the institution that awarded the degree upon the request of the applicant. Academic transcripts sent by the applicant will not be accepted.
Francophone *
- Attestation de Réussite
- Relevé de Notes **
* Official translations to English also need to be included if the original documents are in another language. You can read about the certification and translation of educational documents here.
** If your studies include transferred credits from other institutions, transcripts from these must also be uploaded.
Please note: At least 60% of maximum possible results is expected in order to qualify for studies at Tallinn University.
After receiving conditional acceptance, the applicant’s official academic transcript must be sent to Tallinn University’s postal address by the institution that awarded the degree upon the request of the applicant. Academic transcripts sent by the applicant will not be accepted.
Language requirements
All applicants are required to provide proof of their English proficiency. Acceptable English language tests and exempt categories can be seen here.