Bachelor’s degree programmes

The access requirement to Bachelor's studies is secondary education or a corresponding qualification.

The following documents must be uploaded to the online application system:

  • Lukion päättötodistus
  • Ylioppilastutkintotodistus


  • Perustutkinto tutkintotodistus
  • Opintorekisteriote

Please note we only accept officially issued documents, e.g. we do not accept screenshots from online databases. 

Finnish general secondary education documents (Lukion päättötodistus and Ylioppilastutkintotodistus) are accepted in Finnish and it is not necessary to provide translations.

Finnish vocational secondary education documents or general secondary education documents issued in Swedish need  to be accompanied by an official translation to English. You can read about the certification and translation of educational documents here

Master’s degree programmes

The access requirement to Master’s studies is a Bachelor’s degree, a diploma of professional higher education or a corresponding qualification.

The following documents* must be uploaded to the online application system:

  • Bachelor’s degree diploma (Kandidaatti, Ammattikorkeakoulututkinto)
  • Bachelor’s degree academic transcript and/or diploma supplement**

* Official translations to English also need to be included if the original documents are in another language. You can read about the certification and translation of educational documents here

** If your studies include transferred credits from other institutions, transcripts from these must also be uploaded.

Language requirements

Applicants who have obtained Finnish general secondary education less than ten years ago by the start of their studies, do not have to prove their language proficiency if they have at least cum laude approbatur (in pitkä oppimäärä English) in their Ylioppilastutkintotodistus.

All other Finnish applicants are required to provide proof of their English proficiency. Acceptable English language tests and exempt categories can be seen here.