
Call for Papers – Estonian Journal of Education

We are inviting submissions for a special issue of Estonian Journal of Education (Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri), Vol. 8, No. 1, the topic of which is Teacher professionalism and professional development. The editors of the issue are Professor of Teacher Education Äli Leijen from the University of Tartu, Senior Researcher Rain Mikser from Tallinn University and Professor emeritus Edgar Krull from the University of Tartu. This special issue is scheduled to be published in May 2020.


In the forthcoming special issue, we welcome articles related to teacher professionalism andprofessional development. More specifically we expect to receive articles on the following themes.

  • Increasing the quality of pre-service teacher education by improving selection and meaningfulness of theoretical and practical studies
  • Formation of teachers' professional identity, agency and authority
  • Validity and practicality of teacher professional standards and their impact on the content of teacher education curricula and teacher professional development
  • The content of in-service training of teachers and factors shaping it
  • Using ICT and big-data approaches to empower pre- and in-service teacher education
  • Different concepts of teacher professionalism on the historical, political, philosophical and sociological dimension

The deadlines for the publication are as follows.

  1. Author(s) will send the topic of the article(s) accompanied by the abstract in Estonian to Äli Leijen ( The abstract of no more than 200 words should summarize the theory of research, the objective(s), the methodology as well as the (expected) outcomes of the study – 31 March 2019.
  2. The editors send confirmation about the acceptance of the manuscripts to the corresponding authors – 30 April 2019.
  3. The authors will submit properly formatted manuscripts with a summary in English – 1 September 2019.
  4. The editors will inform the authors about the review results – 1 November 2019.
  5. The authors will revise the manuscripts suggested by the reviewers – 15 December 2019.
  6. Second revision of the manuscripts by the authors (if necessary) – 10 January 2020.
  7. Language editing of the manuscripts – 1 March 2020.
  8. Lay-out of the journal at University of Tartu Press – March–April 2020.
  9. Date of final publication – 1 May 2020.

In the next free issue we welcome articles in the field of education and related areas and it is due to be published in November 2020. Information about the journal as well as the requirements for the submitted manuscripts can be found on the journal’s website. For further enquiries, please contact

Estonian Journal of Education is an international, peer-reviewed journal. The journal is interdisciplinary in nature and aims to open up critical discussion and debate across subject areas by involving all those who share a commitment to the field of education. The journal uses Open Journal Systems (OJS) and will be published in collaboration with the University of Tartu and Tallinn University by the University of Tartu Press twice a year. The journal is indexed in the database Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), EBSCO Academic Search Complete, and Google Scholar.