Tallinn University Research Centre for Fundamental Rights
The Rector of Tallinn University has signed a resolution establishing the Tallinn University Research Centre for Fundamental Rights. This research centre operating by the School of Governance, Law and Society is established in connection with the Horizon 2020 project HURMUR (Human Rights – Mutually Raising Excellence).
The Rector of Tallinn University has signed a resolution establishing the Tallinn University Research Centre for Fundamental Rights. This research centre operating by the School of Governance, Law and Society is established in connection with the Horizon 2020 project HURMUR (Human Rights – Mutually Raising Excellence). It has a mission to create a forum for human rights scholars, networks of scholars and activists in the field of human rights both from Estonia and internationally. The strategy for the sustainable development of the Centre was developed by one of the partners in the Hurmur project, the Danish Institute of Human Rights.
The main fields of research for the Centre will be freedom of expression in new media context, rights to identity, new human rights, the responsibilities emerging from the spread of new technologies and the role of non-state actors in global human rights architecture. The activities of the Centre include, in addition to promoting human rights research and networking activities, disseminating reports and studies related to human rights situation in the world and in various regions in relation to specific spheres of human rights. The Centre will organize scientific conferences and seminars and develop the capacity for doctoral studies.
Professor Mart Susi will be the head of the Centre.