Irina Moissejenko
Associate Professor of Russian Language Didactics
School of Humanities
Irina Moiseenko graduated from the University of Tartu and postgraduate studies in Moscow. She works as a lecturer at the University of Tallinn and has worked at many foreign universities under the Erasmus program (in Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Spain, etc.). She teaches modern Russian courses at the BA level and courses of Russian as a native and foreign language didactics at MA level. She explores bilingualism and the basics of creating textbooks on language. Sheis also the author of numerous textbooks on Russian language for secondary school.
Main tasks
Associate Professor in Russian Language Didactics of the School of Humanities (0,8),
chief pedagogical supervisor
Areas of research
didactics of the Russian language as a native language
ngualism, didactics of the Russian language as a foreign language,
the basis for creating textbooks on language,
text analysis.