
Kaire Povilaitis is a lecturer at the Tallinn University School of Education, Junior Research Fellow and Head of the Centre for Professional Development. Kaire teaches courses in the field of andragogy related to topics such as learning and development, principles and foundations of teaching adults and the use of educational technology in teaching.
As Head of the Centre for Professional Development, her aim is to develop a learning organisation culture at the university, creating opportunities for co-learning and professional development.
In her work as a lecturer and as Head of the Centre for Professional Development, Kaire values dialogue and is guided by andragogical, learner-centred principles.
Kaire's engagement with cutting-edge educational technologies is further demonstrated by her membership in the Artificial Intelligence Advisory Board of Tallinn University.
Kaire is also one of the founders and leaders of the Estonian Association of Andragogists.

Main tasks

Shaping a learning organisational culture and creating development opportunities for the university's staff in line with the university's objectives, including the development of teaching that supports student development.

Areas of research

Educational science, academic development, learning culture