Ermo Säks
Visiting Research Fellow
Baltic Film, Media and Arts School
EXU communication expert
Knowledge Transfer and Project Support Office
Knowledge Transfer and Project Support Office
Ermo Säks is a visiting research fellow and PhD candidate at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM). His primary research focuses on cinematic virtual reality (CVR), which he finds a fascinating way to tell stories combining audiovisual storytelling and virtual reality, where much stronger emotions can be triggered and situations perceived as more authentic. Understanding how users are immersed in CVR stories and how traditional cinematographic techniques can be used will allow CVR developers to work more efficiently and effectively.
Ermo is also the coordinator of TLU’s interdisciplinary cooperation cluster MINT (Mind the Metaverse), is involved in WIRE and FilmEU projects, and is Tallinn University’s EXU (Enterprise x University) communication expert.
He has worked at Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) and in the private sector and brings over 18 years of experience in directing and producing.
Areas of research
Cinematic virtual reality (CVR)
Media and communication