Jorge Eduardo Macias Diaz
Professor of Applied Mathematics
School of Digital Technologies
Obtained a PhD in Mathematics from the Tulane University of Louisiana under the direction of Prof. László Fuchs (2001), and a PhD in Physics from the University of New Orleans under the supervision of Prof. Ashok Puri (2007). His academic production includes more than 200 journal articles on abstract algebra, nonlinear partial differential equations, mathematical and stochastic modeling, numerical analysis of differential equations, computer simulation of systems in physics, and fractional-order calculus. He has been in charge of various projects financed by the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT). He is Associate Editor for Applied Numerical Mathematics (Elsevier), International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Taylor and Francis), Advances in Mathematical Physics (Hindawi), and Computational and Mathematical Method (Wiley). Since 2012, he is a regular member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences.
Areas of research
Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical Analysis
Numerical Analysis
Scientific Computing
Fractional Calculus