Students' rights and obligations
Students shall have the right:
- to receive timely and professional assistance in the planning and execution of their studies and career planning as well as psychological counselling in order to cope with their studies;
- to be informed of the requirements and the execution procedures of all subjects and of any changes in their curricula;
- to freely plan their studies within their curricula and take an unlimited amount of extracurricular subjects during the nominal study period, taking into account the minimum load requirements in both the full-time and part-time studies;
- to participate in all contact studies offered by the academic units of the university, except for subjects with prerequisites and limited study groups in size and studies under programmes with special requirements (creativity test, professional suitability test, etc);
- to complete their curricular subjects in no particular order, except for subjects with prerequisites and/or which are taught only in the form of practical work, seminars, workshops or individual lessons;
- to finish their studies in a nominal study period under the conditions that were valid when they commenced their studies.
Students shall have the obligation:
- to fulfil their obligations prescribed in the study regulations and in their study contract;
- to follow good academic practice.
If a student wishes to challenge a decision in relation to the organisation of studies (s)he shall submit a written application for review to the person who has made the decision.