Open Academy Training Awards 2019

We recognise the most successful staff in the field of life-long learning and our cooperating partners for developing, implementing and ensuring sustainability in the field of life-long learning.


Tallinn University Open Academy's Award for Trainer of the Year 2019 was awarded to early stage research fellow Janika Leoste for their contribution in launching new continuing education at the School of Educational Sciences, lecturer Kristo Krumm for their contribution in implementing the programme 'A Year at the University' and trainer Kristin Veltri for their collaboration in the field of life-long learning at Haapsalu College. Internal Trainer of the Year 2019 was awarded to teacher Kalle Kivi.

Five "Training Achievement of the Year 2019" titles were awarded: 

  • Course "Pedagoogika õppimisest ja õpetamisest alustavale õpetajale" (Pedagogy Learning and Teaching for a Beginning Teacher) (coordinator lecturer Ene Hiiepuu, programme coordinator Külli Rauk, trainers Katrin Poom-Valickis, Kadi Georg, Triin Ulla, Kati Aus, Kaire Kollom, Teri Talpsep).
  • Course "Eestikeelne õpetaja vene õppekeelega lasteaias" (Estonian Teacher in a Kindergarten with Russian as Language of Instruction) (project manager and director of the School of Educational Sciences Tiia Õun, programme coordinator Külli Rauk, trainers Tiia Õun, Reili Argus, Lehte Tuuling, Kerstin Kööp, Maire Tuul, Pille Murrik, Maili Liinev, Ilona Sillak, Ruth Koit, Merge Simmul, Evelyn Neudorf, Natalja Gusjuk, Karin Nurm, Liis Themas, Kaire Kollom, Janika Leoste).
  • Lecture series "Treeni teadlikult" (Train Consciously) in collaboration with the School of Natural Sciences and Health and the programme 'Tallinn on the Move' (programme coordinator Katrin Soidra-Zujev).
  • BFM Children's Film School (programme coordinator Katrin Sigijane, supervisors Eva Ligi Aydogmus, Sigrid Salutee, Rauno Polman)
  • Developing entrepreneurship studies and implementing preincubation under the programme "Edu ja Tegu" (Success and Action) (Külliki Tafel-Viia, Silja Lassur, Lilian Rückenberg)

The Training Partners of the Year 2019 are the Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Mariliis Saat) and Tallinn Education Department (Marika Pettai), the Programme Coordinator of the Year 2019 is Pirje Jürgens from the School of Digital Technologies and the Internal Training Coordinator of the Year 2019 is Marika Matvejeva from the Personnel Office.