Both differentiated and non-differentiated assessment of learning outcomes are used in Tallinn University. Assessment is based on the level of the achieved learning outcomes. Learning outcomes are the knowledge, skills and attitudes or combinations thereof (competences) obtained as a result of studying.

  • A (excellent) – an outstanding and excellent level of achievement of learning outcomes characterised by free and creative use of knowledge and skills beyond a very good level.
  • B (very good) – a very good level of achievement of learning outcomes characterised by purposeful and creative use of knowledge and skills. Un-substantive and non-conceptual errors may occur with regard to specific and detailed knowledge and skills.
  • C (good) – a good level of achievement of learning outcomes characterised by purposeful use of knowledge and skills. Uncertainty and inaccuracies may occur with regard to specific and detailed knowledge and skills.
  • D (satisfactory) – a sufficient level of achievement of learning outcomes characterised by the use of knowledge and skills in typical situations. Deficiencies and uncertainties may occur with regard to non-standard situations.
  • E (poor) – a minimally acceptable level of achievement of learning outcomes characterised by limited use of knowledge and skills in typical situations. Significant deficiencies and uncertainty may occur with regard to non-standard situations.
  • F (fail) – the level of knowledge and skills acquired by a student remain below the required minimum ‘F’ is a negative outcome and the examination/test etc shall be retaken.
  • MI (non-appeared) - If a student does not participate in any examinations or pass-fail assessments, the result is marked as “MI” (non-appeared) on the transcript of records.
Pass/fail assessment
  • P (pass) – the student has acquired the knowledge and skills required; a positive outcome.
  • MA (fail) – the student has failed to acquire the knowledge and skills at the required level; a negative outcome.

Please note that starting from Spring Semester 2016/2017 it is not possible to get a grade for a result marked as P on the transcript of credits!

Average grade and weighted average grade

In calculating a student’s average grade and weighted average grade, the letter marks shall correspond to the following numerical values: A = 5, B = 4, C = 3, D = 2, E = 1, and F = 0. ‘Pass’ (P) assessment acquired on a pass/fail evaluation shall not be included in the calculation of the average grade and weighted grade.

Weighted average grade for each study period is calculated as a sum of the product of all grades and ECTS credit points for the period divided by a total of all ECTS credit points obtained during the period. 

Weighted average grade is taken into account:

  • in appointing study allowances and bursaries,
  • during re-matriculation,
  • in preparing a list of candidates for the available SC student places,
  • in admitting students to defence of a final thesis/ sitting the final examination,
  • in issuing a cum laude diploma.

Average grade is calculated by dividing the sum of all grades acquired by the number of subjects.