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iCal calendarPaul Seitlinger, a candidate for the position of Senior research fellow on cognition and social interaction in learning at the Tallinn University Schoolf of Educational Sciences, will hold his Venia Legendi “The role of primary and secondary memory in organism-environment dynamics: computational modelling of accruing data in collaborative learning scenarios”.
Understanding the interplay between primary and secondary memory helps to shed light on how students reflect on learning objects and joint artifacts (e.g., social tags) to co-create patterned practices (e.g., semantic stabilization in tag use for shared conceptualizations). The talk summarizes three studies that i) investigate the impact of semantic stabilization on individual learning (in a university course, study 1) and ii) present a (psychological) multinomial processing tree (study 2) and a computational model for the interplay between primary and secondary memory (study 3) to reveal and measure students’ reflections and states of reflective agreement (intersubjectivity) giving rise to stabilization.
Paul Seitlinger defended his PhD at Graz University of Technology on cognitive psychology in 2012. His study focused on the role of the memory regarding our actions in social media environments. He researches the formal models of the human memory and their application in developing intelligent online services and online co-learning environment solutions. Since 2009, he has taken part in many international research projects: MATURE, weSPOT, Learning Layers, MERITS, OMFix.