
SOGOLAS seminar "Inclusion on the international level and in international law"

10/12/2022 - 16:00 - 18:00

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Presenters: Tiina Pajuste and Julia Vassileva 

Discussion: Arthur Rizer and Birgit Poopuu 


Topic: "Inclusion on the international level and in international law"

Asukoht: M-648 ja ZOOM:


The first part of the presentation, by Prof. Tiina Pajuste, will address the following ideas:

 ‘Inclusion’ is a term widely used both on the international and the domestic level. Yet the meaning and practical implications remain elusive to most. ‘Inclusion’ as a principle does not provide a concrete answer to the questions: ‘who should be included?’ and ‘how should they be included?’ Those answers can depend on the context and specific circumstances involved, which may decrease some of the practical value of the principle. It is important to clarify how international law guides inclusion and how the principle has been used and abused by different actors. There are a multitude of reasons why inclusion has been propagated – increased legitimacy, human rights obligations and more practical motives. Concrete steps need to be taken to elevate the principle from a rhetorical instrument to a practical tool that can be and is utilised to ensure the upholding of the rights of different groups or individuals and improved decision-making processes.

The second part of the presentation, by Julia Vassileva, will be focused on the following issue:

Included but Excluded? It appears to be common knowledge that ‘women play key roles in peace and conflict’, and research confirms that the inclusion of women can benefit peace negotiations and contribute positively to peace building. Nevertheless, women are often not present at various levels of peace processes. Why do women frequently remain excluded from peace processes despite various commitments in international documents to include them?