
YouthLife/IET Workshop on Estonian Longitudinal Study of Youth (ELSY)

04/14/2023 - 09:00 - 15:30

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The purpose of the workshop is to discuss a mixed-method study design for the Estonian Longitudinal Study of Youth (ELSY), which has been prepared and planned by a research group at the Institute of International Social Studies at Tallinn University, led by Prof Ellu Saar, in cooperation with partners from the YouthLife project. The workshop will provide valuable insights and practical recommendations for the preparation and implementation of ELSY, drawing on experiences from successful youth longitudinal studies conducted in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. These insights will be shared by the following invited guests:

  • Dr Thomas Meyer and Dr Sandra Hupka-Brunner from the Institute of Sociology at the University of Bern
  • Prof Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Emeritus of Excellence of the Graduate Centre Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc) at the University Bamberg
  • Prof Aat Liefbroer from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
  • Prof Ann Berrington from the University of Southampton
  • Dr Gwendolin Blossfeld, PostDoc from the University of Bamberg
  • Dr Siyan Kong, Researcher from the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI).

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Session I (09:00-10:30) - Effective Survey Field Work and Sample Management Strategies within a Longitudinal Design

This session will focus on the key aspects of organizing and conducting survey field work within a longitudinal study design. Topics covered will include the selection of survey modes, subcontracting surveys, and considerations for choosing appropriate platforms for the web-based survey targeted to young people. The session will also delve into topics such as sample attrition, surveying frequency, and strategies for avoiding sample attrition. Discussions will include best practices for motivating respondents to stay in the study, re-recruiting dropouts, and ensuring the representativeness of the sample in later waves of the survey. Practical strategies and practices for managing the study workload and maintaining effective communication with respondents throughout the survey waves will be shared in this session. Another important topic to be covered in the session is the selection of survey topics for the Estonian Longitudinal Study of Youth. The session will discuss which topics should be central in a survey, including considerations such as the research objectives, target population, and relevance of the topics to the research goals.

Session II (11:00-12:30) - Integrating Different Data Sources in Longitudinal Youth Studies

This session will explore strategies for effectively combining quantitative and qualitative data collection in a longitudinal study of youth. The session will also focus on linking survey data with other datasets, such as PISA and administrative data. The potential benefits and challenges of linking survey data with administrative data will be explored, including considerations for data quality, data privacy, and data compatibility. Practical strategies for managing data processing and data management, including discussions on data storage, data availability for other users, open access data policies, and data security measures to protect respondent confidentiality, will also be addressed in this session.

Session III (14:00-15:30) Strategies for Funding and Stakeholder Involvement in Longitudinal Studies

This session will delve into key aspects of funding and stakeholder involvement in longitudinal studies and aims to provide practical tips for developing a funding strategy for ELSY. Additionally, the session will discuss the role of different stakeholders in the successful implementation of longitudinal studies. This will include examining cooperation with policy makers and administration and exploring motivations, interests, and outcomes of such cooperation. The session will also explore the involvement of NGOs, youth organizations, and youth in the preparation of the study, as well as effective strategies for communicating the study to the general public.

The workshop is organized by the TLU Center of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Life Studies (IET), funded by the European Union Regional Development Fund (ASTRA project "TLU TEE Tallinn University as a promoter of intelligent lifestyle") in cooperation with the consortium of YouthLife Project which has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952083.