Training Pogramme
Project "Life course perspectives in studying youth transitions to adulthood: bridging qualitative and quantitative approaches" (YouthLife)
Training Programme of YouthLife
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A Three-Day Workshop on Improving Research Funding Targeting and Application Skills, KNAW NIDI, WP6
The workshop will take place in 21-23 April and provide training in (a) developing the substance and writing up a top-notch scientific proposal for personal and consortium grants, (b) devising and handling the management structure of a consortium, (c) realistic budgeting of time and costs, (d) dissemination and valorization, and (e) Data Management Plan, Ethical Aspects and Open Science. |
21-23 April 2021 via ZOOM |
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Advanced Training School in Methods of Data Collection, UNI BA, WP3
An advanced training school in longitudinal survey method will take place as a series of webinars via ZOOM in 9-11 June 2020. Webinars in longitudinal survey method will cover the following themes: (a) survey instruments and competence tests, (b) sampling strategies, sampling problems, and fieldwork procedures, and (c) data edition, preparation of user files, and data dissemination. |
9-11 June 2021 via ZOOM |
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Workshop on academic writing and publishing I, UNI BA, WP2
YouthLife training course in academic writing and publishing aims to guide ESRs through the process of publishing peer-reviewed research results. The first workshop focuses at the strategy for improving the quality and impact factor of research publication and the programme includes introduction to academic writing and publishing process. |
27 Sept 2021 via ZOOM |
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Training Course I: Quantitative Descriptive Methods of Longitudinal Data, UNI BA, WP3
A three-day intensive training courses aims to advance knowledge and skills of researchers and ESRs in methods of quantitative longitudinal data analysis. The programme will cover: (a) Continuous-time event history analysis and (b) Discrete-time event history analysis, and (c) Sequence analysis. The course will be carried out via ZOOM using a remote data-processing system of the Research Data Center of the Leibniz Institute for Educational Trajectories (FDZ-LIfBi) for handling the data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). |
18-20 Oct 2022 via ZOOM |
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Workshop on academic writing and publishing II, UNI BA, WP2
YouthLife training course in academic writing and publishing aims to guide ESRs through the process of publishing peer-reviewed research results. The second workshop provides an overview of publishing processes from the perspective of journal editors with practical directions for successful publishing in high-ranking peer-reviewed scientific journals and tips for writing a constructive review. Two sessions will be dedicated to presentation and discussion of students´ research plans and draft abstracts for an article to be submitted before the third workshop in February, 2022. |
1st Dec 2021 via ZOOM |
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Training Course II: Causal Analysis with Longitudinal Data, UNI BA, WP3
A three-day intensive training courses will advance knowledge and skills of researchers and ESRs in methods of quantitative longitudinal data analysis. The programme will cover: (a) Causal models, causal evidence and longitudinal data analysis, quasi-experimental designs with observational data and their limitations, (b) Growth curve modelling (incl. mixture models) and (c) Latent growth models. |
26-28 Jan 2022, at TLU |
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Workshop on academic writing and publishing III, UNI BA, WP2
YouthLife training course on academic writing and publishing aims to guide ESRs through the process of publishing peer-reviewed research results. During the third publishing workshops, the participants are given feedback on the papers they have submitted. |
18 February 2022 at TLU |
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A Two-Day Workshop on Improving RMA Skills of Academic and Administrative Staff at TLU, KNAW NIDI, WP6
The workshop aims to share experience in best practices of institutional arrangements for administrative research support systems and provide training in project management support tools, in research projects´ scientific and financial monitoring and reporting processes. Central focus of the programme is at the following question: An Horizon Europe project has been granted: What can the administration do to turn it into a success? Programme for the first day covers issues related to (a) preparation for project management, including detailed yearly budgeting with tasks and person months, and (b) embedding a project in the administrative system and managing personnel budget, including time registration and calculation of personnel costs. During the second day, the focus is on how to monitor the project throughout its life cycle and prepare for obligatory intermediate and final substantive and financial reporting. The afternoon session will be dedicated to the role of the coordinator in EU projects and its additional responsibilities. Throughout the two days, there are time slots for individual consultations. |
10-11 March 2021, at TLU |
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Workshop on Quantitative Data Analysis and Networking, UNI BA, WP3
A two-day workshop at TLU will advance knowledge and skills in methods of quantitative longitudinal data analysis through paper presentations and discussions with the aim to enable researchers to make informed methodology decisions in researching young people’s transition to adulthood. The workshop also aims to facilitate research collaborations among scholars from the four partner institutions and beyond. |
24-25 March 2022, at TLU |
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Workshop of Advanced Training School in Qualitative Longitudinal Research, SOUTHAMPTON, WP4
A two-day workshop in a selection of qualitative longitudinal data collection, and analysis methods, both prospective and retrospective, and temporally-aware data analysis methods will be organised in April 19-20, 2022. The workshop is part of YouthLife training school in qualitative longitudinal research, which consists of several video lectures, individual consultations and online surgeries. The whole programme of the training school will cover the following themes: (a) Data collection methods (prospective, including access/sampling/retention, face-to-face and online interviews, creative method and retrospective, including narrative biographies, timelines), (b) Conceptual and ethical issues in QLR, (c) The breadth-and-depth method for working with large amounts of QL data:, (d) Data analysis using time-aware methods, including narrative analysis, frame analysis, I-poems, visual analysis, (e) Strategies for writing up QLR, e.g. individual cases, cross-cutting comparison. |
19-20 April 2022, at TLU |
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Workshop on Mixed Methods in Life Course Research, SOUTHAMPTON, WP4
The workshop aims to discuss philosophies and frameworks in using and assessing mixed methods and to exchange experience in the use of mixed methods in studies of youth transitions into adulthood. In addition, the workshop includes guided networking and discussion of potential joint projects with workshop participants and invited additional participants from the QUEST (Qualitative Expertise at Southampton) Research Group, ESRC Research Methods Training Centre, and selected life course and mixed methods youth researchers throughout the UK and internationally |
Sept 2022, at UoS |
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Study Visit at University of Bamberg as part of the Advanced Training School in Methods of Data Collection, UNI BA, WP3 This study visit was postponed to the year 2022, but should probably take place before M15 (during the first reporting period and before the activity report for WP3 has to be delivered Study visit´s purpose to become acquainted with the preparation and organization of the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS). |
Oct-Nov 2022 |
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Advanced Training School in Data Management and Processing, KNAW NIDI, WP5
NIDI will host a three-day advanced training school in data management and processing that will prepare TLU partners for conducting a complex multi-mode, multi-wave survey (ELSY) in Estonia. The programme will cover: (a) issues of sampling, fieldwork organization and supervision, data quality control, representativity and weighting, panel maintenance and the construction of code books; (b) innovative features of surveys, like the use of smartphones and digital gadgets to collect information, (c) practical issues in combining qualitative and quantitative data collection, (d) research ethics and the application of Open Science principles (e.g. FAIR principles of data access). |
May 2023, at NIDI |
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Workshop on Conceptual and Methodological Framework for ELSY, KNAW NIDI/TLU, WP5
A two-day workshop aims to provide a platform for discussing the conceptual and methodological framework of ELSY, including (a) key concepts central to ELSY and comparability with existing studies and finding an optimal mix of conceptual continuity and conceptual innovation, (b) methodological framework of ELSY with the aim to maximize the synergy between the quantitative and qualitative data collection efforts. |
Aug 2023, at TLU |