Development plan of Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies 2023-2027
Tallinn University development plan
I Introduction
The School of Digital Technologies (hereinafter the School or the SDT) of Tallinn University (hereinafter the university) is the main unit at the university that promotes academic activity in the areas of informatics, information sciences and mathematics.
We are the leaders in the fields of human-computer interaction, digital competencies and digital didactics, creation of digital learning resources, information science, supporting work-based learning and mathematics education.
The general goal of the School is to develop a collaborative and inspirational academic culture, aiming to ensure high quality and sustainability in its field of activity, where each member of the School is valued.
Collaborative means that
- the employees are familiar with each other’s academic activity and open to co-operation;
- a working environment that supports co-operation has been created in the School;
- the School and its staff are involved in the university’s and Estonia’s national and international activity (common projects, experts’ forums, organisation of conferences, etc.).
Inspirational means that
- employees share their ideas and success stories with each other;
- research seminars on the best local and international experiences take place in the School;
- a creative working environment of trust and support has developed in the School.
The field of activity develops dynamically and is based on
- the existing competence that largely relates to digital education and digital transformation (technology enhanced learning, human-computer interaction, digital tools for language learning, digital competence, mathematics and digital didactics, etc.);
- work-sharing that has developed between Estonian universities whereby the field of IT user experience has primarily not been covered by other universities, and many subfields of important fields are underrepresented (such as applied mathematics);
- the strategic goals of the university that relate to the above and the most important growth area of the digital field comprising data-based fields (data management, data mining, data analysis, data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.).
High quality means that
- the School has high quality indicators of academic activity (incl. the number of 1.1-articles, results of the feedback questionnaires, competition for study places and jobs, share of successful project applications);
- the School is able to receive the resources necessary for developing academic activity;
- the work of the School and its members have been assessed highly (results of competitions, prizes, awards, evaluations, etc. and other recognitions).
Sustainability means that
- the School is the source, introducer and distributor of new ideas and practices;
- the School takes into account the requests of the society in its academic activity, incl. the priorities of external institutions and sectoral developments;
- the age distribution of academic staff is balanced and new generation has been ensured.
Valued means that
- the employees are motivated and work to the best of their abilities;
- the employees’ professional growth has been supported;
- the employees and students are very satisfied with the activity of the School.
The above list forms the core of the School’s academic culture.
II The relevance of the School to the strategic goals of the university
The School follows the general goal of the School, strategic goals and sub-goals of the university in planning its development by contributing primarily to the development of focus fields of the digital and media culture, and educational innovation. The School considers its important tasks to be the promotion of digital learning, and the development and introduction of novel solutions supporting digital transformation, but also providing support in the implementation of analytical and IT solutions in research and development in all other focus fields, and providing support to the graduates of all specialities in achieving the necessary digital competencies.
In developing research and development, the School mainly focuses on the execution of international co-operation projects and the development of research-based solutions (the application of research results).
In educational activity, the School focuses primarily on the development of continuing education, but also on the creation of the teaching content and educational software in Estonian, and developing the methodologies for using them.
In developing the organisation, the School focuses primarily on ensuring co-operation that creates synergy between the study areas of the School and other academic units of the university.
III Goals of the School
The School plans the School-specific sub-goals for achieving the goals of the university as follows:
1. Strategic goal of the university: high-level research and creative work for Estonia.
1.1. Goal of the university: We will contribute actively to international cutting-edge research.
Sub-goals of the School:
1.1.1. Research and development conducted at the School will be on high international level.
1.1.2. Research and development conducted at the School will be covered with adequate resources.
1.1.3. Dissemination of the research and development results will be valued.
1.2. Goal of the university: We will create and help to implement research-based solutions in the Estonian society.
Sub-goals of the School:
1.2.1. Knowledge transfer-related activities directed at the other Schools of the university, the public and enterprises will be valued.
1.2.2. The School’s research and development will be based on the society’s needs, incl. through active participation in the activities of clusters.
2. Strategic goal of the university: Life-changing learning experience and education matching future needs.
2.1. Goal of the university: We will develop high-quality education that supports future competences.
Sub-goals of the School:
2.1.1. The degree studies and continuing education provided by the School will form a coherent and synergistic training system.
2.1.2. The study programmes and educational activity of the School will be research-based.
2.1.3. We will develop the academic activity in the fields of the didactics of mathematics and didactics of informatics.
2.2. Goal of the university: We will develop diverse learning methods serving personal interests for studying at the university.
Sub-goals of the School:
2.2.1. The School’s learning environment will take into account the future needs of specialists.
2.2.2. The School’s academic activity will be sustainable.
3. Strategic goal of the university: A smart and valued organisation.
3.1. Goal of the university: We will keep the university sustainable, its community of members cohesive and diverse.
Sub-goals of the School: :
3.1.1. The different study areas and fields of activities of the School will form a synergistic whole.
3.1.2. The professional growth of all members of the School, which ensures the sustainability of academic activity will be supported, and will correspond to their abilities and effectiveness of their work.
3.2. Goal of the university: We will develop the university as a highly esteemed and modern studying and working place matching today’s expectations.
Sub-goals of the School:
3.2.1. The School will have a motivating working environment.
3.2.2. The School’s employees will have competitive salaries.
The activities planned for achieving these goals, reference points/metrics of assessments, and the responsible and co-responsible bodies/persons have been presented in the implementation plan annexed to the development plan.
Specific activities will be set out in the annual action plans of the School.