
TLU calendar 2021: What's up, Junior Researcher Triinu Jesmin?

TLU 2021 calendar’s focus researcher in August is the School of Digital Technologies lecturer of data analysis and junior researcher Triinu Jesmin. We will ask her what she's working on right now and how does she spend her free time.

Triinu Jesmin

What kind of research or projects are ongoing for You right now? What are the burning questions and topics?
At the moment, I am working on five different Erasmus+ projects. Some of these projects are related to games, some focus on the digital innovation of higher education. The scientific article I'm currently working on looks into game usage in lessons by teachers – a topic which is also a part of my doctoral thesis.

What inspires You in life?
My greatest passion is sustainability in every sense of the word. I try to live as minimalistic as possible. The aim is to make sure that my every action is carefully thought through and makes the world a better place.

Besides science, do You have any hobbies or activities that energise Your physical and mental health?
I consider taking care of animals a hobby of mine. Aside from a 60-kilo mutt and an exemplary free-range rabbit, one can also find four chinchillas in my home who were rescued from a fur farm. The chinchillas are respectively 15, 14, 11 and two years old. I also enjoy building, especially woodworking. This year I built a Fachwerk-style summer kitchen with my own two hands. To top it off, I am a licensed log house builder. Still, most of my free time is spent in my greenhouses and with my permaculture gardens.

What is Your opinion – where is science heading to?
In my opinion, science is also shifting to a more sustainable route. Projects are not done merely for the sake of projects anymore – scientists are determined to make sure that the results of their projects withstand the end of funding, and that solutions created by such projects are developed further.