Exchange Courses
Courses taught in English, Russian, German, French, Italian and Spanish are listed by the Schools and Colleges. Exchange students can choose courses from different Schools - please choose the School to see the course offers. However, some of the Schools and Colleges have set limitations to attending the courses - please read the information provided in the section for comments. By clicking on the title of the course you will be taken to the course outline, which provides basic information about the course.
As an exchange student, you can only choose from among the courses that are offered in these lists!
The information about the course also includes the assessment form. Some courses end with an examination where the student will get a grade, some courses end with an assessment where the student will get a P (pass) or MA (fail). It is not possible to get a grade for a result marked as P on the transcript of credits!
Please note that there can be changes in the course offers before the beginning of the semester. Registration to the courses can be done after arrival at Tallinn University.
The academic units of Tallinn Unviersity offer the following courses for exchange students:
Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School
(former Baltic Film and Media School, Institute of Communication, Department of Arts, Department of Choreograhy, Department of Music)
School of Digital Technologies
(former Institute of Informatics, Institute of Information Studies, Department of Mathematics)
School of Educational Sciences
(former Institute of Educational Sciences, Pedagogical College)
School of Governance, Law and Society
(former Institute of International and Social Studies, Institute of Political Science and Governance, Institute of Social Work, Tallinn University Law School, Liberal Arts in Social Sciences programme of the Catherine's College)
School of Humanities
(former Estonian Institute of Humanities, Institute of Estonian Language and Culture, Institute of Germanic-Romance Languages and Cultures, Institute of History, Institute of Slavonic Languages and Cultures, Language Centre, Liberal Arts in Humanities programme of the Catherine's College)
School of Natural Sciences and Health
(former Institute of Health Sciences and Sports, Institute of Psychology, Department of Applied Creativity, Department of Craft, Department of Choreograhy)
Confucius Institute - Chinese courses
Courses are free of charge for international exchange students studying at Tallinn University. Chinese language courses for Academic year 2017/2018 are listed under the School of Humanities.
NEW! It is now possible to join ELU - a new type of subject at Tallinn University where students from different study fields carry out a collaborative project on a topic of their interest. The team consists of 6-8 students from at least three different study fields.
It is a subject which is not organised in the form of a lecture and where the teacher does not dictate the students what to do and how to do it. The initiative and management of the activities lies with the students. Read more
Tallinn University