girl reading

The module of Cultural Analysis focuses on the relationship between literature, visual culture and film in contemporary and historical contexts. The interdisciplinary subjects of the module approach the works of literature, art and film from various thematic angles: e.g., space; memory; feelings; war; identity; body; nature in literature, art, film, photography, and other forms of culture. 

The works of literature, art, film are scrutinized according to genre or method (dystopia; postcolonial theory; feminism and gender studies; theories of the body; ecocriticism) as well as interdisciplinarity: e.g. literature is studied from the point of view of its film adaptations; film adaptations are studied from the different perspectives of their historical and cultural contexts, authorship, genre, etc.; topical problems are viewed through their reflection in the cultural context.

The subjects of the module are:

A student who has chosen the module is advised to take preliminary subjects of the module as free electives: British Literature from the Renaissance to the Present Day; Analysis of Literary Text; etc.

The student who has passed the module has excellent pre-requisites to continue at Tallinn University MA programme Literature, Visual Culture and Film Studies.

Contact us!

Julia Kuznetski, Professor of English