
Opening Ceremony of the EDUSPACE Research Lab

Tallinn University now has a technology-supported learning and teaching research laboratory, EDUSPACE. At the official opening event, we offer the opportunity for all interested parties to virtually get acquainted with the research laboratory's equipment collections and research and projects using the infrastructure, which is aimed at different levels of education.

09/25/2020 - 15:00 - 16:00

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The opening event of the EDUSPACE laboratory also marks the end of the five-year CEITER project. The EDUSPACE laboratory has created a good basis for the continuation and further development of the activities that have grown out of the project.

The laboratory was established in cooperation with the TLU ERA Chair CEITER international research group, whose important work direction, the EDULAB model together with the digital toolbox supporting it, forms the growth platform for educational innovation together with the creation of the necessary conditions. In addition to physical equipment, the research laboratory also brings together know-how for the sustainable and evidence-based implementation of innovations.

The event will take place live from the research laboratory and in the Mare 3rd floor atrium, where the exposition area of ​​projects related to the laboratory is open.

The live broadcast can be watched on Tallinn University's YouTube channel and Facebook.

At the one and a half hour event, you can get acquainted with various research and implementation projects using EDUPACE equipment and infrastructure, which are aimed at different levels of education.

At the early childhood education level, you can explore the mobile laboratory of RMER robotics and STEAM equipment, a manufacturer of STEAM teaching aids in England. In addition, all interested parties are welcome to try out the Estonian-themed augmented reality game created in cooperation with the start-up company Mobi Lab and to participate in an ongoing research project on the use of robots in autism therapy.

STEAM K12 digital study material for four different school levels is aimed at general education, which supports the sustainability of natural resources – come and find out more about the possibilities of integrating them into your internships.

In addition, the start-up company Futuclass will present virtual reality games for learning chemistry developed in a co-creation project between the School of Digital Technologies at TLU and the Education and Youth Authority.

The School of Natural Sciences and Health at Tallinn University has shown exciting hands-on experiments in making teaching more interesting. In several doctoral dissertations, collaborative learning is studied using learning analytics.

At the higher education level, we share initial research findings and advances in the development of the interleaved learning model, and we invite a machine-sighted robot to peek and teach the robot hand to write. There will be more surprises!

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 669074.

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