A delegation of Czech school leaders highlighted the good relationship between our teachers and students
During September 26-30th, 2022, a delegation of 30 school leaders from the Czech Republic visited Tallinn University's School of Educational Sciences. The main aim of the one-week study visit was to learn about the Estonian education system, different leadership preparation programmes for principals and leadership practices in Estonian schools. The programme consisted of presentations and discussions with university experts, representatives from the Estonian Quality Agency for Education and the Association of School Leaders in Tallinn, as well as school visits both in Tallinn and outside the city.
The delegation visited six different schools - Tallinn German Gymnasium, Open School, International School of Estonia, Tallinn 53rd Secondary School, Kindluse School and Aruküla Basic School, and the guests rated this part as one of the most memorable during the entire program. The delegation had the opportunity to have discussions with the school management and observe lessons to get a better idea of how different methods are used in practice. In addition, after observing the lessons, they could discuss separately with the teachers whose lessons were observed. The respect and communication between teachers and students was pointed out as an important observation as well as the overall positive atmosphere that was noticed in all classes.
The discussions with university experts, the enthusiasm of all the speakers and the inspiring presentations at the university were also highly appreciated. "Your society is different, education is one of the most important things for you and you are open to change and innovation," the guests pointed out on a positive note. The delegation emphasized the importance of such study visits to get to know new teaching and management methods and learn from best practices. "We got a very broad overview of different aspects during this week and we liked how the programme varied from discussions with experts to observing real school life".
The study visit was organized by the Czech organization Lead Live which offers training courses for local teachers and long-term development programs for school leaders. As part of their principals’ program, they want to visit innovative schools internationally to gain inspiration and learn more about principal preparation (leadership) courses.