The article by Tallinn University researchers received an award from the Association of Teacher Education in Europe
The article "Adopting technology in schools: modeling, measuring and supporting knowledge appropriation" by Tallinn University researchers published in the international magazine "European Journal of Teacher Education" received the best article award of 2023 from the Association of Teacher Education in Europe.

The article introduces technology adoption in schools, modeling, measuring, and supporting knowledge adoption. The self-report questionnaire, created using the knowledge acquisition model, helped identify the knowledge creation and learning practices used in the training sessions. The instrument predicted intended adoption of technology-enhanced learning methods beyond individual level constructs, highlighting the important role that social practices play for the eventual adoption of technologies in the classroom.
The authors of the article are Tobias Ley, Janika Leoste, and Katrin Poom-Valickis from the TLU School of Educational Sciences, Kairit Tammets, Edna Milena Sarmiento-Márquez from the School of Digital Technologies and Maarja Hallik from the School of Governance, Law and Society.
The award will be presented on 26–28 October 2023 at the ATEE 2023 Winter Conference in Braga, Portugal.