Partnership and cooperation

Supporting Ukraine through citizen engagement at Baltic Universities

Today starts the Erasmus+ project “Supporting Ukraine through citizen engagement at Baltic Universities”. This project is led by Tallinn University, partners include Lviv Polytechnic National University, Kauno Technologijos Universitetas, Tartu University, Latvijas Universitate and Web2learn.


Baltics4UA project tackles the unprecedented Ukrainian humanitarian crisis in the Baltic region. The project focuses on the need to empower higher education institutions (HEIs) to support active citizenship within formal education, while answering the need of Ukrainian refugees to continue their learning and life journey in the Baltics or in Ukraine.

We have been funded to initiate actions that can help Ukrainian refugees in the Baltics. The project includes four types of citizen engagement actions:

  • citizen science,
  • hacktivism,
  • the maker movement,
  • artistic expression.

Baltics4UA partners plan to integrate these informal and innovative learning practices into their curricula, thus developing courses that better serve the needs of higher education staff, students and refugees. This way, the project enables flexibility and preparedness of Baltic HEIs in managing their educational and social mission during disruptive social conditions.

Tallinn University team is led by the Professor of Informal Education Kai Pata, and involves the Youthwork Specialist Lianne Teder, the Associate Professor of Andragogy Larissa Jõgi and the Research Assistant Egle Hollman.

*This project is under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2: Partnerships for Cooperation 1.02.23-1.02.25.