School of Educational Sciences' Venia Legendi lectures 2021
Everyone is welcome to attend the Venia Legendi public lectures!

March 23rd | 15.00-16.00 | Kai Pata | Professor of Adult Education and Non-Formal Learning | TBA | Zoom |
March 24th | 10.00-11.00 | José Penalva | Professor of Adult Education and Non-Formal Learning | Leadership and Innovation in Adult Education and Non-Formal Learning. Building the Logic of Constant Learning | Zoom |
April 1st | 11.00-12.00 | Satu Laitinen | Professor of Primary Education | Skill and will - towards passionate learning, studying and teaching | Zoom |
April 5th | 12.00-13.00 | Pirko Tõugu | Professor of Primary Education | TBA | Zoom |
April 5th | 15.00-16.00 | Meril Ümarik | Professor of Adult Education and Non-Formal Learning | TBA | Zoom |
April 6th | 13.00-14.00 | Inge Timoštšuk | Professor of Primary Education | TBA | Zoom |
April 9th | 10.00-11.00 | Elina Malleus-Kotšegarov | Associate Professor of Educational Psychology | Mõiste arengust sotsiaal-emotsionaalse pädevuseni (in Estonian) | Zoom |
April 9th | 12.00-13.00 | Helin Puksand | Associate Professor of Literacy and Special Education |
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