Most Valued Lecturers
Tallinn University acknowledges those whose teaching is research-based and who ensure a cooperative environment to support the development of students' knowledge. But above all, we appreciate lecturers who remain respectful of all students.
We appreciate those who are willing to share great teaching practices with their colleagues and who develop study programmes with commitment, involving partners. There is also a significant value in contributing to internationalisation and education innovation.
Carrier of the vision "I change learning"
The outstanding carrier of the vision "I change learning" is an employee who, among other things, supports the development of a learner, trusts students by giving them responsibility for their own learning, creates a collaborative learning environment that supports learning, treats students with respect, considers and inquires about the needs of students and while teaching, keeps in mind that what students learn from their teaching is just as important as what the teacher is doing.
Outstanding supervisor
The outstanding supervisor is an employee who in addition to the study regulations established for supervisors, gives and asks for feedback on supervision with those who they supervise and direct to give their maximum effort and achieve high grades when defending their thesis and the theses they have supervised being awarded by the university or outside of the university.
Exceptional study programme administrator
The exceptional study programme administrator is an employee who, among other things, develops the curriculum according to feedback from various parties, looks at the curriculum as a whole, creates a relationship of trust between colleagues and students and supports lecturers and students; directs lecturers to develop their teaching and collaborates with other curators of curriculum who are substantially related to theirs when developing their curriculum.
Outstanding creator and maintainer of curriculum partnership
The outstanding creator and maintainer of curriculum partnership is an employee who has developed the curriculum practice; involved employers and alumni in the conduction and development of the curriculum and developed the connection of the curriculum with the work world.
Contributor to internationalisation
The outstanding contributor to internationalisation is an employee who, among other things, stands out for conducting and developing joint curriculums, has found opportunities for Estonian-speaking students to get international experience and has supported the studying of international students (including visiting international students) in Estonia.
Educational Innovation of the Year
The award for the Educational Innovation of the Year is given to an employee who has created innovative technological solutions to support learning and teaching.
The best of the LIFE Programme
The LIFE or Learning in Interdisciplinary Focused Environment programme is an interdisciplinary subject based on project or problem solving based learning, during which students in cooperation with lecturers and partners from outside of the university execute interdisciplinary problem-solving based projects. Every year the best of the LIFE projects are awarded.
Vision carrier "I change the learning":
- Kati Aus (HTI)
- Nikolai Kunitsõn (ÜTI)
- Lauri Linask (TÜHI)
- Mikola Misjuk (LTI)
- Tagi Pitsi (HK)
- Andrus Rinde (DTI)
Exceptional supervisor:
- Mart Laanpere (DTI)
- Gerhard Bruno Erich Lock (BFM)
- Margus Nigol (HK)
- Allan Puur (ÜTI)
- Triin van Doorslaer (TÜHI)
Exceptional study programme administrator:
- Tiina Hiob (BFM)
- Kairi Koort (LTI)
- Kai Pata (DTI)
- Tiiu Tammemäe (HTI)
Exceptional partnership’s initiator and holder of study programme:
- Kadri Aavik (ÜTI)
- Ulrike Plath (TÜHI)
- Marika Ratnik (LTI)
Contributor to internationalisation:
- Dirk Hoyer (BFM)
- Meril Ümarik (HTI)
Vision carrier "I change the learning":
- Tiina Tambaum
- Merilin Aruvee
- Laura Hein
- Halliki Põlda
- Kairi Osula
- Michael-Andrew Keerdo-Dawson
- Eda Heinla
Exceptional supervisor:
- Merike Sisask
- Carlo Cubero Irizarry
- Maire Tuul
Exceptional study programme administrator:
- Ketlin Ruukel-Ikkonen
- Anna Šeletski
- Anastassia Zabrodskaja
- Ene Lind
Exceptional partnership’s initiator and holder of study programme:
- Leen Rahnu
- Silvi Metsar
Contributor to internationalisation:
- Meidi Sirk
Education Innovation of the Year:
- Jaanika Leoste
Best of the LIFE Programme:
- Excellent media coverage – we award the LIFE project supervisors Ulrike Plath and Kaarel Vanamölder whose supervised project "Brewed LIFE" has received several positive coverages, including on the ERR programme "Ringvaade".
- Excellent science article – we award the LIFE project supervisor Riin Seema, based on whose supervised project "Adaptation of the Teacher's Counselling Self-assessment Scale: The second cycle" a 1.1 category science article "The counselling self-efficacy scale for teachers: action research" was published in the journal Educational Action Research.
- Excellent presenter of results – we award the LIFE project supervisors Tiia Artlat and Jana Kadastik whose project "Inclusive LIFE" (from 2017-2019) led to an exhibition at Tallinn University, and the results of the project will be introduced in the travelling exhibition format in three museums in Estonia.
- Excellent creative project made during study work – We award the LIFE project supervisors Krista Aren, Oksana Tralla and Hain Hõlpus, during whose supervised project "Nova Vita" an original complete creative work was made which combined original choreography, written music and lyrical, light and film art especially created for the project. In addition to the creative side, the students, under the guarded supervision of their supervisors, dealt with complex practical project management and teamwork-related problems.
Vision carrier "I change the learning":
- Jüri Kurvits
- Ene Hiiepuu
- Kadi Georg
- Merlin Linde
- Alessandro Nani´
Exceptional supervisor:
- Kadi Liik
- Kairit Tammets
- Reili Argus
- Gina Metssalu
Exceptional study programme administrator:
- Saima Kuu
- Eve-Liis Roosmaa
- Inga Petuhhov
- Julia Kuznetski
- Tiiu Tammemäe
Exceptional partnership’s initiator and holder of study programme:
- Eha Rüütel
- Terry McDonald
- Piret Viires
Contributor to internationalisation:
- Anu Toots
Best of the LIFE Programme:
- LIFE project supervisor Jaanus Terasmaa. An effective and impelling supervisor.
- LIFE project supervisor Liina Viiret. An encouraging supervisor who actively supports the progress of the project.
- LIFE project supervisor Merike Sisask. A true expert in her field, an encouraging and supportive supervisor.
- LIFE project supervisor Tiia Artla. A creative and caring supervisor who contributes greatly to the completion of the project.
- LIFE project supervisor Tiina Pajuste. A very professional and obliging supervisor with excellent knowledge.
- LIFE project with the best poster "Food and Quality of Life" from the group Tarbi kohvi targalt. Supervisors Sirje Rekkor, Mare Leino and Tiina Vänt.
- Student of the modern media curriculum Kirsi Lattu – award for supervision of the LIFE project "Karistuse asemel...".
- Student of the andragogy curriculum Külli Kertsik – award for supervision of the LIFE project "Tervislike eluviiside arendamine Haabersti klubimajas".
- Student of the organisational behaviour curriculum Külli Kertsik – award for supervision of the LIFE project "Liiklusohutuse alased õppevideod".
Vision carrier "I change the learning":
- Tiiu Kaljas
- Kristi Laanemäe
- Tiiu Tammemäe
Exceptional supervisor:
- Tiina Andreas
- Krista Kerge
- Joe Noormets
- Tiina Pajuste
- Lehte Tuuling
- Liina Viiret
Exceptional study programme administrator:
- Eneken Laanes
- Mari-Liis Jakobson
- Hele Leek-Ambur
- Aira Lepik
- Hagi Šein
- Marko Vainu
- Tiia Õun
Exceptional study programme administrator:
- Eve Kikas
- Maris Saagpakk
Contributor to internationalisation:
- Zsolt Bugarszki
- Eve Eisenschmidt
Education Innovation of the Year:
- Katrin Aava
- Katrin Karu
Best of the LIFE Programme:
- Martin Sillaots
- Manisha Khulbet
- Maria Laanejärve
- Lemmo Tensokit
- Eeva Vilsonit
- Eduard Välit
- Felix Yarotskyit.
- Kai Pata
- Larissa Jõgi
- Katrin Aava
- Silver Sternfeldt
- Andres Jõesaar
- Catlyn Kirna
- General and supportive courses: Olev Räisa
- Educational Innovation: Meidi Sirk
- Digital and Media Cultures: Romil Rõbtšenkov
- Cultural Competences: Piret Viires
- Healthy and Sustainable Lifestyle: Piret jamnes
- Society and Open Governance: Eve-Liis Roosmaa
- General and supportive courses: Aita Taiger
- Humanities: Natalia Netšunajeva
- Arts: Angela Arraste
- Natural sciences: Valdeko Palginõmm
- Social sciences: Catlyn Kirna
- Health sciences: Karmen Toros
- Educational sciences: Kerstin Kööp
- General and supportive courses: Mati Heidmets
- Humanities: Paul Rüsse
- Arts: Jaana Kormašov
- Natural sciences: Tiiu Koff
- Social sciences: Matthew Crandall
- Health sciences: Koidu Saia
- Educational sciences: Sirje Piht
- General and supportive courses: Sirle Kivihall
- Humanities: Merle Jung
- Arts: Linda Elken
- Natural sciences: Madis Lepik
- Social sciences: Tiia Tamm
- Health sciences: Natalia Cherneyko
- Educational sciences: Tiia Õun