Maris Saagpakk
Associate Professor of German Cultural History and Literature
School of Humanities
Maris Saagpakk received her PhD in Baltic-German literature from Tallinn University in 2007. She is currently Associate Professor of German literature and cultural studies at the Institute of Humanities of Tallinn University. Her main academic fields are the history of Baltic-German literature, translation history, life writing, cultural transfer, sociolinguistics and postcolonial studies. The most recent publications concern the patterns of colonialism established by the Baltic-Germans in Estonia, Baltic-German autobiographic texts from 17th century, translation history, Linguistic Landscapes and autobiographies of Baltic-German women.
Main tasks
Associate Professor of German Cultural History and Literature
Researcher in the project PRG 1206
Areas of research
Baltic-German literature and cultural history, German cultural history, life writing, Linguistic Landscapes, multilingual classroom, multilingualism in literature, translation history