Peer Support
Peer supporters are senior year degree students, whose experience allows them to support other degree students during their studies. The community of peer students is part of the Student Support Center and it is constantly changing, someone starts, someone stops. But the experience gained does not disappear. If you have any questions or to arrange a suitable time to meet please write to
The purpose of the preparation is to become aware youself as a helper and to be supported in order to offer emotional, social and/or practical support to a another student.
We plan regular meetings, where using different teaching methods, we discuss the experiences of peer supporters and how to be ready to meet situations that are not familiar. Based on these stories, we will discuss the fundamentals and skills of counseling, ethical issues, how to act in critical situations, etc.
Practical activities: peer supporters are involved in the public activities of Student Suppert Center. For example, "Come and Ask", Student Support Center`s week, etc
In addition, we assume that the peer supporter is active to notice and find someone who needs help, the initiator of the activities is not only supervised. Good ideas on what to do are always welcome!
The group is guided by Kai Rannastu (Studenst Suppeort Center counselor for students with special needs, adult educator, certified supervisor and coach).