Riigi Kinnisvara AS scholarship "Tuleviku tipud" (Future Leaders)
The aim of the scholarship is to motivate successful TLU students.
The scholarship can be applied for by successful Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral students who meet the following criteria:
- Matriculated to Tallinn University and not on academic leave at the moment of submitting the application and matriculated to Tallinn University at the moment of payment of the scholarship;
- Weighted Average Grade (WAG) no lower that 3.5;
- Active student who is a fanatic of his/her field and has the goal of becoming a top specialist in the field;
- The planned final thesis is connected with real estate development in general and focuses on one of the main fields of operations of Riigi Kinnisvara AS;
Applications should be submitted by 25 October 2024
The scholarship for Bachelor’s students is 2,000 euros, for Master’s students 3,000 euros and for Doctoral students 5,000 euros. If you wish to apply for the scholarship, please send the following documents (digitally signed) to kristin.tuule@rkas.ee:
- Motivation letter where the applicant explains how he/she meets the established criteria;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- certificate of study results with grades and of active student status (i.e that student is matriculated and not on academic leave) which is sent to you by your study counsellor upon request;
- Confirmation to meet Riigi Kinnisvara AS for making a five-minute elevator pitch to introduce the Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctoral thesis project;
- Consent for data processing for Riigi Kinnisvara AS.