The candidates are expected to submit the required applications documents (preferably in PDF-format) by the deadline set in the job description through the Recrur application platform by selecting the "Apply" button within the job description. In case of technical problems, documents can also be sent to The following documents are required:

  • a signed application-motivation letter addressed to the Rector, in which the candidate provides an overview of the aims that they will seek to realise in developing the field of research and teaching for the following five years of employment;
  • a curriculum vitae, which shall include, among others, an overview of the candidate's teaching, research and development or other creative activity, and social and institutional activity;
  • copies of a document certifying the qualification required from the position, and its annexes. The University shall have the right to request that the candidate submit the original or certified copies of the document certifying the qualification and its annexes. If higher education has been obtained abroad, the University shall have the right to request that the candidate submit the evaluation of the Estonian ENIC/NARIC concerning the conformity of the candidate’s qualification with the requirements established for the position;
  • a list of research publications, separately highlighting research papers published in internationally distributed publications peer reviewed by an editorial board. It is recommended that a list of the candidate’s research publications is also available in the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS);
  • a link to or, if that is impossible, a file with the full text of up to five representative research publications in the case of a candidate for a tenure system position and for a research professor position, up to three in the case of a candidate for a research track associate professor position and for a teaching track associate professor and one in the case of a candidate for a lecturer position and for a research fellow position;

  • in the case of arts specialities, a list of creative works, separately indicating internationally recognised creative activities together with respective proof;
  • documents and materials to certify other knowledge and skills, if the competition announcement contains respective requirements or the candidate considers these important.

The application documents may be submitted only in English, if the person to hold the position is not expected to have Estonian language skills.