Completing interrupted studies
here are different opportunities for former students to complete their interrupted studies. Before you take any action please think about these following questions:
- What was the reason for interrupting your studies earlier and what have you learned from it?
- Which obstacles may occur this time and how can you prevent or overcome them?
The graduates of Tallinn University have brought out in their feedback several factors which helped them to graduate their studies. Inner motivation was one of the biggest factors, this means that the graduates really wished to study and graduate. Also time-management was a skill which was very helpful - 1 ECTS means that you'll need to work 26 hours and usually this time needs to be combined with work, family-life and hobbies. The biggest support for successful completion of studies came from family and close friends, employers and also many respondents brought out the support from coursemates, academics and other university staff members. So it is important already in early stages to think through how different people could support you in your studies and what steps do you need to take. From the university side your first contact is the study counsellor with whom you can discuss your thoughts and plans.
There are several possibilities to complete interrupted studies. The main difference of the options below depends on whether you are a student or not.
- As an external student you have the right to complete a study programme, including taking exams and assessments and/or taking a final examination or defending a thesis. As an external student you are not matriculated and you do not have a student status.
- Open Academy is an opportunity if you want to take some individual courses or modules that are being taught for the students, but you are not interested in completing the full programme. While learning in Open Academy you do not have a student status, but if you decide at one point that you would like to graduate, then you can use the courses that you have passed.
- You can also go through the admission process again and start your studies from the beginning as a student. After you have been admitted to Tallinn University you can apply for recognition of prior learning so you would not need to pass the same courses you have already done.
- You may apply for a vacant student place starting from the second semester. The candidate must have accumulated at least 75% of the required credit volume for the vacant student place.
After reading this information you definitely have additional questions. Also there can be some factors which might depend concretely on your situation. In each insitute/college there is a study counsellor whom you are welcome to turn to.