Need-based special allowance
It is a monetary allowance based on the economic situation of the person and granted under the conditions provided for in this Act to students, except for Doctoral candidates, in order to cover expenses related to the acquisition of higher education if the application for a need-based study allowance of a student has been declined.
Who has right to apply?
A student has the right to receive need-based special allowance if:
- he or she is an Estonian citizen or is staying in Estonia on the basis of a long-term or temporary residence permit* or on the basis of a permanent or temporary right of residence;
- he or she studies full-time and has by the starting semester cumulatively completed at least seventy-five per cent of the study load subject to completion under the curriculum in the previous semesters or studies full-time in the first semester;
- a student whose application for need-based study allowance has been declined in the relevant semester because his or her average monthly income calculated on the basis of section § 51 of Study Allowances and Study Loans Act does exceed the maximum average income calculated for the receipt of need-based study allowance established annually by the state budget.
- the average monthly income of the three months preceding the submission of an application for need-based study allowance of the student and his or her family members specified in subsection 51(2) of Study Allowances and Study Loans Act does not exceed the maximum average income calculated for the receipt of need-based study allowance established annually by the state budget (756,38€ year 2024), above all, if the given income has decreased in connection with registration of the student or his or her family member as unemployed or in connection with permanent incapacity for work in the extent of 80–100 per cent.
A student shall not be entitled to simultaneous need-based study allowance and need-based special allowance.
Students have the right to submit to the educational institution applications for the receipt of need-based special allowance for up to five study months at least twice during an academic year – from September to January and from February to June. Study allowance shall be paid from the month of applying for the study allowance.
* Does not apply to students who are residing in Estonia with a Temporary Residence Permit for Studies.
How to apply? What documents do I need to submit?
How to apply need-base special allowance?
- Students have the right to submit to the educational institution applications for the receipt of need-based special allowance for up to five study months at least twice during an academic year – from September to January and from February to June. Study allowance shall be paid from the month of applying for the study allowance.
- To receive a need-based special allowance, a student should submit an application in ÕIS.
What documents do I need to submit?
When applying for an allowance, a student shall submit the following documents:
- A negative decision of the application for a special need-based study allowance, which can be submitted to the University within five working days starting from the date when the decision was announced;
- Extracted data from the Estonian Population Register regarding the household members (needs-based study allowance application from;
- A certificate from the Tax and Customs Board certifying the average monthly income of the three months (taxation data certificate) preceding the submission of a need-based study allowance of the student and his or her family members specified in Subsection 2 of § 51 of the Study Allowances and Study Loans Act (get the information about the certificate from here or ask it by e-mail (from;
- Documents proving a decrease in the level of income (certificate of registration as unemployed and/or incapacitation for work or other certificates, etc.)
The University has the right to verify the correctness of documents and information submitted in order for the student to be granted a need-based special allowance, or to present the documents and information for inspection to competent authorities and persons.
How the ranking list is compiled?
A ranking list is compiled of the applicants for a special need-based allowance on the basis of the average monthly income of the student and his family members of the three months preceding the submission of the application for a need-based study allowance. If applicants for a special need-based allowance and their families have equal incomes, the applicant shall be preferred whose:
- income has decreased due to the applicant or a family member registering as unemployed;
- income has decreased due to permanent incapacitation for work by 80-100% of the applicant or a family member.
Grant of need–based special allowance
- The number of special need-based allowances depends on the volume of the special allowances fund allocated to the University for the academic year.
- The amount of the need-based special allowance in 135€ per month.
Payment of need-based special allowance
- The need-based special allowance is paid on the basis of the order of the Academic Affairs Manager every study month by the end of the month for the current month, except the allowance for September, which is paid in October and the allowance for February, which is paid in March.
Study Allowances and Study Loans Act and Requirements and Procedure for the Application, Granting and Payment of Study Allowances regulates the procedures for the application, award and payment of need-based special allowance.