New edition of the journal Slavica Revalensia is out
Tallinn University Press has recently published the eights volume of a scholarly journal Slavica Revalensia.

In the journal’s first section “Issledovaniia i materialy” (“Articles and Notes”), a reader will find eight articles ranging from literary history (e. g. “‘Dead Kings Must Always Be Judged after Their Demise’: The Afterlife of an Ancient Egiptian Custom in the Russian and European Literature of the 16th to 19th Centuries” by Maria Neklyudova, “Pushkin’s ‘Buria’: The Meaning of Rhythm” by Sergei Dotsenko, etc.) to the history of school education in pre-revolutionary Russia and Soviet terror (“Tenishev School: Its Instructors, Students, School Magazines and Archives” by Marina Salman). There is also a section, edited by Professor Georgy Levinton of the European University at Saint-Petersburg, dedicated to the memory of a renowned Russian expert in Italian Studies Larisa Stepanova (1941—2009). This memorial section includes five articles by Alexander Dolinin (“Italian Motifs in Pushkin’s Poem Andzhelo”), Alexander Ospovat (“Notes and Queries on The Captain’s Daughter: 9—11”), Georgy Levinton (“Some Notes on Dantean Quotations and Allusions in Russian Literature of the First Half of the 20th Century”), Nikita Okhotin (“‘The Scything Run’: Petrarch—Mandel’shtam—Petrarch”) and Roman Timenchik (“From an Index to Anna Akhmatova’s Notebooks: Italians”). Finally, in the journal’s “Kritika” (“Criticism”) section, the editor-in-chief, Grigori Utgof, reviews a recently published book Irina Belobtovtseva: Chelovek epokhi (Irina Belobrovtseva: A Hero of Our Time).
Read more here.