The university-wide competition for students' research works of Tallinn University is organized every year with the aim of valuing and stimulating students' research activities and expressing recognition to students and their supervisors who have achieved outstanding academic results.

The university-wide research paper competition for Tallinn University students is open. The purpose of organizing the competition is to value and encourage students' research activities and to express recognition to students and their supervisors who have achieved outstanding research results.

The competition and related activities are conducted by the research department. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral theses defended in 2023/2024 academic year and scientific publications, which have been published in the calendar year preceding the competition (2024) and whose sole or first author is the student or recent alumnus can be submitted to the competition. The competition work must be submitted electronically to the e-mail address no later than January 15, 2025 or brought to the research department in paper form (by prior arrangement).  
Works are evaluated in four categories:

  • doctoral theses;
  • master theses;
  • diploma and bachelor theses;
  • scientific publications.

The works are divided into five fields:

  • educational innovation,
  • digital and media culture,
  • cultural competences,
  • a healthy and sustainable lifestyle,
  • society and open government.

In order to participate in the competition, it is necessary to submit:

  • competition work;
  • in the case of a scientific publication, the name of the publication, volume, place and time of publication, and the classification of the publication according to the Estonian Science Information System (ETIS) (must be in classification of 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.1 or 3.2.)
  • the field in which the competition work is submitted;
  • free form author's consent to submit the work to the competition and confirmation of familiarization with the conditions of the competition in electronic or paper form, if the work is not submitted to the competition by the author himself;
  • contact details of the author (contact telephone number and e-mail address).

The winners will be awarded as follows:

  • in the category of doctoral theses, the award is 350 euros;
  • in the master's theses category, the first place prize is 225 euros. The second and third places are recognized with a diploma and a memento of the university.
  • in the category of diploma and bachelor theses, the first place prize is 150 euros. The second and third places are recognized with a diploma and a memento of the university;
  • in the category of scientific publications, the first prize is 200 euros. The second and third places are recognized with a diploma and a memento of the university.

The winning papers will be collected in an electronic collection of articles issued by the research department. The winners of the competition must submit a summary popular science article about their winning work of approximately 2 A4 pages. This is a prerequisite for paying out the bonus.



Last updated 12/13/2024 - 13:55