
YouthLife Training on Academic Writing and Publishing: Workshop II

12/01/2021 - 11:00 - 13:45

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YouthLife Training on Academic Writing and Publishing: Workshop II

The second YouthLife workshop on academic writing and publishing will take place on 1st December 2021. Part of the workshop is open to wider audience and it comprises webinars on the journal editor’s view and perspective, and on tips for reviewing research papers.

Open session I: The journal editor’s view and perspective (01.12.2021, at 11:00-12:00)

During the first open session, Prof Rosalind Edwards from University of Southampton and Assistant Prof Iasonas Lampriadou from the University of Cyprus will share their experience as co-editors of the International Journal of Social Research Methodology, but also provide a wider perspective on academic journal publishing based on their involvement in other journals. Coming from different methodological backgrounds, they are covering a range of methodological and substantive expertise, and also older and fresher eyes on publishing process in peer-reviewed academic journals. 

Open session II: Tips on reviewing scientific papers (01.12.2021, at 12:15-13:45)

The second open session about reviewing is held by Prof. Hans-Peter Blossfeld and Gwendolin J. Blossfeld from the University of Bamberg. They will offer tips on how to write constructive reviews and how reviewing papers can also improve your own research, how papers change in the peer review process, and what to do when you receive reviews on your own papers.

Registration form for the open sessions (Sessions 2 and Session 3) of the workshop

Program of Workshop II 


Remaining two sessions of the workshop program will be dedicated to feedback and discussion on research plans and draft abstracts submitted beforehand by the ESR´s of YouthLife Partners who have been registered for the YouthLife training course „Academic Writing and Publishing for ESRs” (3EAPs). This course involves three one-day workshops (27.09.2021; 01.12.2021; 18.02.2022) with 78 academic hours in total, incl. 21 contact hours during the three workshops and 57 hours’ individual work (research plan and abstract to be submitted before the workshop II (latest by 17th November 2021) and research paper and review of another paper to be submitted before the workshop III (latest by 4th February 2022).

Program of the course “Academic writing and publishing for ESRs” 


Both the workshop and the training course are financially supported by YouthLife project which has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952083. 
