The programme takes the form of four semesters’ teaching, along with a summer school. The teaching is unique for a film making MA in that it is split between three different film schools in three different European states: Also unique is the programme’s focus on the feature film as the object of study and aspiration, rather than the short film, as in most other courses.
Students will be recruited in the following areas:
- Directing
- Producing
- Scriptwriting
- Cinematography
- Editing
- Sound desing
Around half the teaching will be geared to each specialism, while the rest will consist of transferable skills in film making, creative practice, entrepreneurship and critical thinking - skills that are essential for all film students.
Students will study in three different schools:
Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal
Screen Academy Scotland in Edinburgh, UK
Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School / Tallinn University in Tallinn, Estonia.
The core outcomes of KEM are the students final projects - a short film, a complete team developed project for a feature film and the individual thesis.
First semester the students all work together in Lisbon and consists of a leveraging period during which collaboration and team building capacities will be reinforced. In the second semester students will be divided between the two schools in accordance with their areas of expertise.
Writers, directors and producers go to Edinburgh while cinematographers, editors and sound designers will be in Tallinn. In the 3rd and 4th semesters the students’ are once again divided amongst the three partner schools, but in this case a team based organization procedure is followed that pushes the students towards defining their own style in the midst of a collaborative environment.
Mobility in between the schools is mandatory
Applications will close on December 16, 2019.