
TLU and University of Malta joint scientific seminar "Academic pathways of university lecturers at three European universities"

International research group ÕPPES TECH-METH (School of Educational Sciences, Tallinn University) in cooperation with Department of Arts, Open Communities and Adult Education (Faculty of Education, Malta University) cordially invites to the seminar "Academic pathways of university lecturers at three European universities".

11/01/2023 - 12:30 - 13:30

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The seminar is based on findings from the international research project "Professional Pathways in the Context of Educational Innovations and Institutional Changes in universities. Teachers' Professional Identity and Teaching Practices, experience and well-being" (2021–2023).

This study focuses on the working life, perceptions and visions, and academic careers of university lecturers and researchers in three European Universities: Tallinn University, Tampere University, and Malta University. The purpose of this study is to critically reflect on the interplay between the identity, teaching-researching practice of university lecturers, and the university environment in the context of three European universities.

The seminar offers a platform for discussing the meaning of being a university teacher in the context of changes. 

Speakers are: Maria Cutajar (University of Malta), Meril Ümarik, Larissa Jõgi and Kaire Povilaitis (Tallinn University) and Aytuna Yamac (Tampere University).

The seminar will take place as a hybrid event with the cooperation of the School of Educational Sciences of Tallinn University and the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Malta

Time: 1st of November 2023 at 11:30–12:30 (Estonia and Finland time zone is 12:30–13:30).

Venue for in-presence attendace: University of Malta (Old Humanities Building, Faculty of Education Boardroom).

Join the seminar on Zoom

The seminar will take place at the University of Malta, but those interested can join via Zoom. The participation in this seminar is free of charge.

More information related to ÕPPES research group.

TLU Malta seminar