Inspiring speakers at LIFE talkroom!

At October we welcome everyone to join us at LIFE talkroom, because we have three very inspiring speakers coming! LIFE talkroom has grown out from LIFEroom, where each time there is an invited speaker, who discusses topics that support project and problem-based learning and collaborative teaching and learning! Register HERE!
- 16.10 at 15.30-17.00 at M-608 Henk Mulder (University of Groningen) is talking about concept of Science Shop.
- 30.10 at 15.30-17.00 at LIFE room (in Mare building, 3rd floor) Ian Kinchin (University of Surrey), who is a specialist on pedagogy of higher education and will talk about "Exploring professional identities of academics"
- 31.10 at 9.30-11.00 at LIFE room (in Mare building, 3rd floor) Alberto Canas (IHMC) an expert of Concept Mapping method. He will introduce the concept mapping method and how to use it in explaining interdisciplinarity in LIFE project.
NB! All three talkrooms is in English!
NB! LIFErooms can be booked for groupworks!