Educational Innovation Collaboration Cluster STEAM4EDU
The STEAM4EDU (STEAM for Education) cluster supports researchers in presenting international and local educational innovation projects and helps to find strategic project partners in Estonia from business, the public sector and civic associations, as well as international partners for the formation of project application consortia.
Different parties of the quadruple helix are involved in the activities of the cluster:
- researchers from six institutes;
- Estonian and international educational technology companies;
- teachers and professional associations;
- Estonian education policy makers and education experts.
The additional goal of the cluster activities is to develop further the results of the research projects being carried out and to disseminate these results in society.
The cluster's activities are divided between three work packages:
- Didactics of STEAM learning and linking it to the development of general competences, coordinator prof. Priit Reiska
- Innovative practices and assessment methods of distance and distributed learning, coordinator senior researcher Janika Leoste
- Workplace-based personalized learning tools and methodology, coordinator prof. Sirje Virkus
Cluster members gather for monthly information exchange seminars. Twice a year there are networking events with other parties of the quadruple helix. In addition, mission groups of 3-5 members work to submit new project applications or to conduct project capacity events. The cluster is coordinated by the Institute of Educational Sciences of Tallinn University.